Imagine my shock when I realized I hadn’t made a blog post in three-plus months! What the <bleep> happened?
Well, life happened. I got distracted by all the shiny objects called “The Holidays.” Client deadlines came, went, got re-scheduled, and re-arranged. Projects ended, others started, and some simply faded into a fuzzy sunset.
I lost my motivational mojo but found it hiding under a very pretty rock. I skipped a few early-season 5Ks and bike rides, but signed up for the three-mile cycling time trial at the Mesquite Senior Games and the 1500 meter race walk and 10K cycling time trial at the National Senior Games.
I fell off the fitness wagon, got back on, got bumped off. The cycle occurred a few times…until I rehired my coach to get focused once again on the National Senior Games, a little more than 100 days away now.
Just because my training and fitness plans get delayed doesn’t mean I failed. Same goes for you!
We all face a week or two (or more) filled with business travel, appointments, after-school practices, home repair or improvement projects, new or overbooked work schedules, celebrations or festivities, recovery from illness, or even mundane tasks such as grocery shopping and laundry.
No biggee. When we see an opening, we just lace up the shoes, dust off the bike, put on the swim cap, or unfurl the yoga mat, then “get it done.” Maybe not at the same intensity where we got off-track, but at a point that’s healthy and good for us.
Sure, I wish I stayed diligent with my blogging, fitness and training schedule. But life happens.
Perhaps that makes the fitness life ever so sweeter.