Privacy Policy

Effective Sept. 17, 2023: Our privacy policy as it relates to you and your personal information.

Website Operations

We use Google Analytics to track and report website traffic to our website. The information reported to us such as traffic counts, devices used, time-on-site, and more is in a numerical format. We don’t receive any information about you as an individual (i.e. name, address, email address, phone number, gender, etc.). The geolocation information we see is city-based, not neighborhood or street.

We use this non-identifying information to improve our website and its content.

Email Marketing Programs

We use a third-party email marketing service provider to collect, store and safeguard our subscribers’ names and email addresses. Your first name may be used to personalize various email projects such as “Divas Digest” e-newsletter. All subscribers must first agree to that providers terms of service.

At no time will we share, rent, sell, or distribute any email marketing list.

Slowpoke Divas and its ownership and management only controls the contents of the website and its social channels. We are not liable for the actions, inactions or errors of its service providers including web host, email marketing, plugin developers, social media platforms, and other services at anytime. Slowpoke Divas has no interest or influence in how these entities operate or manage potentially sensitive information.


See also “Disclaimer & Legal Notice”