Divas’ Digest Newsletter

Revised August 10, 2023

“Divas’ Digest” is your quick and easy-to-read source for information, inspiration, and ideas!

What You’ll Find in Each Issue of Divas’ Digest:

  • Walking & Biking — news, athlete story, and/or upcoming event about walking and cycling, and how to get most out of each sport. Triathlon and multisport are often highlighted, too.
  • Getting Stronger — strength training or “functional fitness” is key to maintaining our ability to live independently. One or more exercises are highlighted each month and sourced from respected physical therapists and certified personal trainers (with links). These are to improve balance, core strength, range of motion, strength, and/or flexibility and/or to help you become better at walking, cycling, and more. 
  • The Active Life — tidbits of inspo or info like a funny cartoon, a tip or two for healthy living and mindsets, travel destinations perfect for walkers, bicyclists, triathletes, and senior games participants, and more.
  • News You Can Use — top stories from reliable sources and organizations such as the National Senior Games Association.
    • I’ll even add my “two cents” opinion now and again below that article (and possibly with a link to longer pieces here on SlowpokeDivas.com)

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Your Feedback is Wanted!

Because each “Divas’ Digest” issue is written for you, I want to hear from you to ensure the content is fulfilling your needs and interests.Drop me a line with ideas, tips, suggestions, and stories you believe are worth telling.

Yes, you can unsubscribe anytime by following the “unsubscribe” link at the end of each issue. But before you do, please tell me know what you feel was missing, not meeting an expectation, etc. Your feedback will help improve the newsletter for everyone!

Our Short & Sweet Privacy Policy

  • I won’t willingly or knowingly share your name or email address with anyone or any company. 
  • I don’t follow you around the Internet! I’m not using any service or technology that *reports to me* who you are, and what you do on the Internet.
  • I use Google Analytics to help improve this website (from content to using my website) *without* knowing the identity of people visiting the website.

Have questions? Let me know!