title card for women's 1500 meter power walk race at 2023 National Senior Games. Photo of 2 female power walkers at 2022 National Senior Games

Women’s 1500-Meter Power Walk Starting Roster & Pre-Race Analysis for 2023 National Senior Games

title card for women's 1500 meter power walk race at 2023 National Senior Games. Photo of 2 female power walkers at 2022 National Senior Games

Check out the starting roster for the women’s 1500-meter race walk at the 2023 National Senior Games! Read my take on the competitors in each age group, based on their prior National Senior Games results (2019 and/or 2022), if they raced at the 2022 Huntsman World Senior Games, and if I am acquainted with them (if applicable, of course). I’ve also highlighted those who set time records as well.

The women’s 1500-meter power walk takes place on Friday, July 7 at South Fayette High School outside Pittsburgh.

The women will race in four different heats based on age group. The 70+ age group women’s race starts at 10:10 a.m. EDT. The 65-69 age group women follow at 12 noon and the 60-64 age group at 1:05 p.m. The youngest groups, 50-54 and 55-59, finish up the day’s competition at 1:55 p.m. Do note start times may be delayed due to weather or upon when prior race(s) conclude. The women’s 1500-meter race walk heats took place earlier in the morning.

The Weather Channel is forecasting mostly cloudy skies with good chance of scattered showers. Winds will be mild.

How the Women’s 1500-meter Power Walk Starting Roster is Organized

  1. The roster is first organized by five-year age groups, beginning with 50-54.
  2. Athletes are listed in alphabetical order by last name.
  3. State names are abbreviated.
  4. Competitors doing all race walk and power walk contests are noted with this circle-times symbol.
  5. Names and times appearing in bold text denote National Senior Games record holders.
  6. Remarkable efforts are highlighted in bolded red text.
  7. Past 1500-meter power walk results include the walker’s age group, order of finish, and time in one or more of these events:
    • 2019 National Senior Games (June 14-25, Albuquerque, NM) in non-bolded green
    • 2022 National Senior Games (May 10-23, Fort Lauderdale, FL) in non-bolded blue
    • 2022 Huntsman World Senior Games (Oct. 3 – 15, St. George, UT) in non-bolded orange

My quick analysis of each age group follows the roster.

Then stay tuned for complete race results and highlights!


  2. BENT, FAYE (Barbados) – w50 6th | 11:42.03 / w50 5th | 11:00.17 / w50 2nd | 10:38.54 <– progressively improved her time!
  3. BEST-GRAY, Lynette TX – w50 1st | 10:15.83
  4. EVERARD, Andrea DE w50 3rd | 10:36.91 
  5. GALEN, Renee IN
  6. HYDE, Lori MO
  7. WEBB, Lisa GA
  8. WOODARD, Tita GA

I expect Lynette Best-Gray to lead the field based on her 2022 finish. Faye Bent will be racing with “fresh legs” and could have the edge over Andrea Everard who will have raced the 1500-meter race walk earlier in the morning. However, I’m definitely not counting out any of the other “baby seniors” in this age group to play the spoiler in this race.


  1. ACEVEDO, Allison PA
  2. ARNOLD, Sandi WY – w50 4th | 11:20.7
  3. BAKER-NOREN, Sylvia KY
  4. BATISTE, Stefanie GA
  5. BOOTZ, Suzy TX
  6. BUFE, Gina MO – w50 10th | 12:31.25 w55 7th | 11:36.76 <– improved time by nearly 1 minute!
  7. CALHOUN, DeeCarlo SC
  8. FENZL, Lucy WI
  9. HNATYK, Roxanne MI
  10. LAMOUREUX, Janet FL – w55 3rd | 10:16.84 w55 2nd | 9:21.68 <– improved time by nearly 1 minute!
  11. LINDSEY, Carrie TX
  12. McCOY, Mariya KY
  13. McWILLIAMS, Melinda MD
  14. MINIX, Vera LA – w50 2nd | 10:27.06 w50 2nd | 10:16.17 <– improved her time by almost 10 seconds!
  15. O’NEIL, Michelle MI – w50 12th | 14:13.19 w55 12th | 13:57.76 <– improved her time!
  16. OGRODNIK, Jennifer NJ
  17. OWENS, Mandy NM – w50 1st | 9:03.20 # w55 1st | 9:13.80# <– 2 consecutive years in setting records in both the 1500m & 5K!
  18. PIZMOHT, Rebecca VA
  19. ROBINSON, Francine NC – w55 8th | 11:39.80
  20. SHIELDS, LaTrice OH – w55 10th | 12:11.85
  21. SOLLER, Mary KY
  22. THURMAN, Tracy WA
  23. VANCE, Sandra TN w55 18th | 15:56.25 w55 13th | 17:09.61
  24. WOLFORD, Lisa AZ

Will Mandi Owens continue to streak to the gold medal in the 1500 meter power walk as well as the 5K? I think she’s the odds-on favorite to win, though she may not break her own record. Janet Lamoureux will be in the hunt, ready to snag that win!


  1. ANDERSON, Roberta MI – w55 7th | 10:29.45
  2. APPLEBY, Lisa PA ⊗ 
  3. BANKOLE, Kelly MN
  4. BOLT, Jodie WA
  5. BYRD, Maureen TN – w60 16th | 12:16.93
  6. CHAPMAN, Pamela OH – w60 18th | 12:53.45
  7. COLEMAN, Delise GA
  8. COYLE, Jaculin WI w55 10th | 10:33.24
  9. FENECH, Annette TN – w60 2nd | 10:05.31
  10. FREET, Sam PA
  11. GUAN, Alice VA
  12. HENRY, Jeanne PA
  13. HOWARD, Teresa NC – w60 4th | 10:23.97
  14. JACKSON, Angela (Barbados) – w55 2nd | 10:34.12
  15. JOJOLA, Shirley NM – w60 27th | 12:39.79 w60 19th | 12:59.82
  16. JONES, Nannette OK – w60 7th | 10:57.52
  17. LIMON, Susana MD
  18. LITTLEDAVE, Ahinawake NC
  19. MALACHI, Marilyn MD
  20. McNIEL, Wendy TX – w60 15th | 12:14.24
  21. MILAVEC, Jayne NM – w55 4th | 10:17.18 w60 1st | 9:55.20 # <– improved her time by nearly 22 seconds & set a record!
  22. MURRAY, Diana MD – w60 23rd | 15:39.59
  24. ORSAG, Lana OH – w55 6th | 10:27.55 w55 6th | 10:53.25
  25. PALMER, Ginger CT ⊗ 
  26. SMITH, Evelyn IL – w60 10th | 11:10.58
  27. SNEED, Annette TX
  29. USELTON, Penelope TN
  30. WILLIAMS, Deborah GA

Chances are good that Jayne Milavec will dominate this race, yet Annette French could make a strong challenge. I can’t wait to see who has made the biggest improvements. Also very happy to Roberta Anderson on the roster. I first met her in 2019. Watch my post-race video interview with several walk competitors.


  1. ABDUK-KHALIQ, Hadiya NC
  2. BASHAM, Edwena NV
  3. BECKLES, Beverley (Barbados) – w60 11th | 11:00.18 w65 2nd | 10:24.78 w65 3rd | 11:08.12
  4. BOLLE, Debra NC
  5. BRADLEY, Patricia VA
  6. CARTER, Linda GA
  7. CRAIG, Kathleen AL – w65 19th | 13:49.22
  8. DIPIETRO, Della MI
  9. DUNDON, Margaret NY
  10. EMERY, Norma            OH
  11. FETHEROLF, Sandy CA
  12. FLETCHER, Bitsy TX – w60 11th | 11:11.76 w60 5th | 11:07.30
  13. GOOD, Katherine VA
  14. HAMBLIN, Martha NC – w65 5th | 11:00.12
  15. HEGSTROM, Ann IA – w60 1st | 9:58.43 # w65 1st | 10:17.03
  16. HOW, Rhoda KY
  17. JARZOMBEK, Debbie TX – w60 6th | 10:49.40 w60 3rd | 10:41.01
  18. JOHNSON, Debra GA – w65 7th | 11:08.61
  19. JONES, Janet TX – w60 5th | 10:31.13
  20. JORDAN, Mary TX
  21. LUND, Bodil VA – w65 11th | 11:25.55 w65 4th | 11:30.21
  22. LYNCH, Mary PA
  23. MARKELZ, Barbara CT – w65 14th | 12:16.56
  24. MATTHEWS, Yvette NC – w65 12th | 12:03.35
  25. MILNER, Margaret ME ⊗ – w60 5th | 10:45.67
  26. MURRAY, Sandra (Barbados) – w65 1st | 10:36.70
  27. MYERS, Helene MD
  28. OBERT, Sherry PA
  29. PAULSON, Susan MN
  30. PILKINGTON, Beverly OK – w65 15th | 12:30.25
  31. RAY, Leigh TN
  32. SALENS, Judy MI
  33. SILVA, Virginia NM
  34. SMITH, Kathleen TN – w65 9th | 11:13.95
  35. SMITH-KELLER, Keley SD
  36. STAATS, Valerie MD
  37. STOLTENBERG, Patricia IL
  38. VAN ZYTVELD, Mary CO
  39. WELCH, Sharon NC
  40. YANDERS, Elise PA

Beverly Beckles, last year’s silver medalist faces stiff competition from several women. Gold medalist Ann Hegstrom returns to defend her championship. Teammate Sandra Murray won gold at the Huntsman World Senior Games. Debbie Jarzombek in w60 finished in 20 seconds ahead of Beverly’s time. Also in w60, Bitsy Fletcher finished less than a second ahead of Beverly’s HWSG time. This age group is another one to watch!


  1. ABIERA, Wandagean MD – w70 3rd | 11:24.12
  2. BARRY, Cathy NC
  3. BENNETT, Carol IL – w70 19th | 14:02.74
  4. BOSWELL, Kathy MN – w70 20th | 14:12.46
  5. BROWN, Corrine OH
  7. CALVERT-DAVIS, Cassandra GA
  8. CRISSEY, Sharon KY
  9. CUNNINGHAM, Susan TN – w65 18th | 12:54.94
  10. DUFFY, Beth MN
  11. GOLDSTEIN, Rebecca CT
  12. GOODWILL, Monica PA
  13. HARRELL, Ruth NC
  14. HOLDER, Angela (Barbados) – w65 22nd | 12:39.19 w65 12th | 12:12.02 w65 6th | 11:58.48 <– improved times!
  15. JENNINGS, Barbara TN – w70 10th | 11:13.55
  16. KAPP, Nancy NC
  18. LAWS, Sherryl MO
  19. MacPHERSON, Cynthia MO
  20. McDERMOTT, Karen NY
  21. McLEOD, CATHY OH ⊗ – w70 2nd | 11:03.53 w70 8th | 10:55.10 <– improved time!
  22. McMAHON, Nancy OR
  23. MULLIS-DUBOW, Trenice GA ⊗ – w65 2nd | 10:42.83
  24. MURPHY, Pamela PA
  25. O’BRIEN, Sandra WI – w65 22nd | 15:44.16
  26. PIECHOTA, Sue FL – w65 2nd | 10:03.17 / w70 3rd | 10:18.75 # <– she finished ahead of the previous record!
  27. STROSS, Karen OH – w65 9th | 11:35.07 w65 4th | 10:57.82
  29. WILDMAN, Cindy OH – w70 4th | 10:30.32 # <– she finished ahead of the previous record!
  30. WITT, Judith VA – w70 13th | 12:16.77

This is such a competitive age group where surprises are guaranteed! Sue Piechota returns seeking that coveted gold metal. She finished .65-seconds ahead of speedster (and my pal) Sandi Stapleton (out with an injury this year) for silver in 2019 in W65. Sandi edged Sue by .13-seconds at the finish line last year in W70 for silver. Both women finished under the previous W70 record! Last year’s champ, Pamela McKelvey ages up into W75 so the W70 gold is up for grabs.


  1. BERG, Marilyn MA
  2. BROWN, Janet TN – w75 13th | 14:54.25
  3. CHAMPION, Margaret OH – w70 10th | 12:13.54w75 8th | 13:13.49
  4. CHAPMAN, Sarah IN
  5. CROOKENDALE, Gloria (Barbados) – w70 14th | 12:34.29 w70 5th | 12:11.54
  6. DE ROSIER, Eugénie MN
  7. EVANS, Patricia TN – w75 12th | 14:07.37
  8. HUCZEK, Sharon MI – w70 7th | 10:52.93 w70 2nd | 10:38.15
  9. McKELVEY, Pamela CO – w70 1st | 9:53.56 # w70 1st | 9:50.60 <– set record in 2019 then finished ahead of it in 2022!
  10. MYER, Fran WA – w75 9th | 13:52.06
  11. QUAIFE, Donna Ruth WA – w75 10th | 13:55.07
  12. ROLFES, Carol TN – w70 4th | 11:24.23 w75 3rd | 11:20.80 # <– she finished ahead of the previous record!
  13. SCHNEIDER, Alice OH ⊗ – w75 6th | 12:18.37
  14. SCHULMAN, Carol MD
  15. TROTTO, Mary HI

Pamela McKelvey is my favorite for this race, given her dominance in this event for the last two National Senior Games. I know fellow Huntsman World Senior Games competitor Sharon Huczek will be hunting for gold — she never gives up.


  1. BOGART, Barbara TN
  2. DEMSKY, Ellen CA
  3. HURST, Patricia NY
  4. JACKOBS, Miriam OH ⊗ – w75 3rd | 11:48.08 
  5. O’NEIL, Rosemarie MI
  6. OLAWOYE, Margaret IL
  7. PANOZZO, Mirella MI
  8. SAYRE, Bonnie NV – w80 1st | 13:32.57 [2022 Nevada Senior Games]
  9. WILCZYNSKI, Rosemarie PA

Miriam Jackobs is my favorite for gold in this age group. Even though she will have raced earlier in the morning in the 1500-meter race walk, she has proven stamina. She did the four race walk and power walk events in 2019. Former race walker and fellow Las Vegas walking pal Bonnie Sayre will compete in her first National Senior Games power walk event. Knowing how speedy she is, I anticipate she will finish in the Top Three. I’m not counting out nationally ranked triathlete Barbara Bogart and runner Ellen Demsky as medal contenders!


  1. GOOD, Marion OH – w85 2nd | 15:53.03 w85 5th | 16:04.12
  2. LEE, Youngja MD –  w80 1st | 12:37.63 # w85 2nd | 12:45.29 # <– she finished ahead of the previous record!
  3. PENDERGRAFT, Eleanor TN – w80 6th | 16:09.13 w85 3rd | 15:07.62 
  4. POISNER, Sharon KS
  5. SMITH, Audrey FL
  6. WITT, Sandy WI
  7. ZIETHING, Evelyn FL

I cheering on Eleanor Pendergraft as she continues her inspirational journey of health, fitness and positivity! If Younja Lee stays close to her speedy times, then I expect she’ll take another gold medal. Who will take silver and bronze?!


  1. CARROLL, Alice NY

SOURCES: National Senior Games and Huntsman World Senior Games results page. Visit those sites for more information including how to participate.

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