Well, I finally got off the fence…though I’m not sure whether to cheer or say “Yikes!”
2017 Huntsman World Senior Games Cycling
Today I signed up for the Division IV (novice) 5K hill climb and the 20K time trial cycling events at the Huntsman World Senior Games, set for Oct. 10 and Oct. 11, respectively. I can feel those pre-race butterflies starting to flutter. They’re going to spark a range of thoughts from “What was I thinking?” to “This is gonna be fun!”
Yes, I’ve been on my bike several times over the last couple of months. In all probability I’ll successfully finish both races, barring technical problems such as flat tires or falling ill before the events. But my confidence level is average…at the moment. Ask me again in 10 minutes, a week and a month from now, and again a week before the first race. My answers will range 180 degrees.
It’s Time to be an Adult
Because I’ve paid good money to participate in these races, it’s time:
- For no excuses
- To get focused
- To gird up determination
- For quality cycling training both on the indoor trainer and on the road
- To eat well and sleep well…every day
- To think thoughts full of positive energy.
It’s Also Inner Child Time
Once the adult me sets a course, it alerts my inner child to raise a ruckus, buck the plan, and want to do anything else except prepare for the races. Why?
I. Have. No. Idea.
Well, actually I do. I don’t remember the source, but I heard that humans do things and think things to keep themselves “safe” from harm. Safe from disappointment, failure, ridicule, even success and satisfaction besides tigers, bears, and quick sand. The mind set is different for everyone. So when I don’t make do a workout, skip a group class, or eat a piece of (gluten-free) chocolate cake, I’m simply being human.
Oh, how I’d love to be a Vulcan, sometimes! We humans are simply weird and wacko, in my ever so humble opinion.
Choices & Decisions
The Huntsman World Senior Games offers two more cycling events that I could have entered but chose to pass on.
I’d love to enter the 37K road race — the course is beautiful! But I know I lack the mileage foundation for that distance and its hilly-dilly course (one climb is a killer!). I believe I’d need a full year for serious training (and some weight loss) to accomplish this. See, I don’t just want to finish a race. I want to be deeply satisfied with my effort and achievement.
I passed on the 16K criterium, too. Unlike the road race where I’d probably be riding solo (not fast enough to stay any kind of group), this is a circuit-type of race with riders whizzing past me…all…the…time. I lack that type of cycling experience, so I’ll just watch.
The hill climb and time trials are solo racing (just me versus the clock). I need more time to build a foundation to handle four straight days of cycling totally 78 kilometers or 48.5 miles. But I plan to be there on those race days to watch and cheer on the athletes.
And did I mention I also have my 1500-meters and 5K race walks the following week? Yeah, I do. Having several days rest will greatly benefit me.
Plus there’s two races I curious about and want to see: mountain bike hill climb and down hill. Need stamina for that, because I’ll be roaming around looking for places to take photos of the race.
Learn more
I’d love it if you joined me either in a race or at an event! It’s always more fun cheering on sporting events with friends.
The Huntsman World Senior Games offers 29 sport competitions plus walking tours of the greater St. George area. Registration ends Friday, Sept. 1, 2017. For more information including accommodations and activities, go to www.seniorgames.net.
Let me know if you’re coming via Twitter, the Slowpoke Divas Facebook page, or via my contact form.
Original post titled “It’s Official: Time for Jitters, Can-do Thinking” was updated to this retitled, edited version with a new featured image on Sept. 5, 2023.