Contact Us

Office Hours

  • Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Pacific Daylight/Standard Time (closed on holidays)

Snail Mail

  • P.O. Box 20691, Las Vegas, NV 89112-0691

Social Connections

Yes, Slowpoke Divas and Bonnie Parrish-Kell are “everywhere on the interwebs”!

We’re active on:

We also use these from time to time:

And we’ve recently jumped onboard these, too:

And we may be elsewhere, too, but can’t remember LOL.

Business Inquiries

I welcome:

  • Invitations to appear as your guest on your channel
  • Opportunities to participant in affiliate programs that are relevant to my website’s focus, content, and philosophy
  • Inquiries to advertise on this website 
  • Offers to sponsor me as a masters/senior athlete

Please include your answers to these two questions to help me understand how we might work together:  

  • How are our brands compatible?
  • How can our audiences best be served?

Review the content here and its social channels to help you in your research, and then ask for the Slowpoke Divas media kit (PDF) by using the form below.

I ignore inquiries for:  

  • Unsolicited material including so-called “ready to publish” material (i.e. blog posts, product reviews, photos, memes, videos, press releases, etc.).
  • Unsolicited pitches for stories or to publish press releases in the following categories: beauty, cosmetic, fashion, parenting, personal finance/investing, personal hygiene, senior assistance, supplements, retirement living, weight loss products and services, or other topics unrelated to what is discussed here on this website. 
  • Offers of link exchanges, inclusion in directories, multi-level marketing programs, etc.

Updated June 20, 2024