Category: News & Opinion
The Active Life Radio Show – Listen Now
On March 31, 2016, I appeared on The Active Life radio show produced by the folks at the Huntsman World Senior Games in St. George, Utah. Hosts Kyle Case, CEO, Jeff Harding, director of operations, and I talked about how I got started as an “adult onset athlete,” how much I enjoy this lifestyle, my…
New U.S. Power Walking Association
The U.S. Power Walking Association (USPWA), a new 501(c)(3) nonprofit, has formed to promote the positive aspects of power walking as both a recreational and competitive sport. It is intended to complement, and be an alternative to, the sport of race walking. With the support of walkers from around the nation, the organization’s goal is…
2015 Pumpkinman 5K Race Report
Before each race, I’m not quite sure how well I’ll do. Pumpkinman was no exception. The weather yesterday morning was perfect with clear blue skies and temperatures in the lower 60s. I decided to power walk my 5K race because I didn’t think I had enough “humph” to maintain strict race walking form. The 5K…
2015 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championships Results for Women Ages 40+
Updated 8/23/2023 — SIGN UP FOR DIVAS’ DIGEST NEWSLETTER TO GET NOTIFIED OF 2023 RESULTS! What does it take to achieve success in sport (or in life, for that matter)? You first have to make the decision to start and then commit to making the journey. You’ll have fun, make new friends, get strong, and…
New Track & Field Team in Las Vegas for Athletes Age 50+
A new track and field team has formed in Las Vegas, Nevada for athletes age 50 or better of all abilities and experience levels. The Vegas Sizzling Seniors trains for and competes in masters track and field competitions and local and state senior games including qualifying events for the biennial National Senior Games. Olympic-style competitions…